
I’m very confident with my JavaScript knowledge, I have worked with the DOM API and the core concepts behind JS and ES6, I have experience with the most popular Frameworks (React, Vue and Angular +). I also have experience working with modern toolings as such as Webpack, NPM/Yarn and Babel.


I have worked using HTML/CSS for years, I have in-depth knowledge of the HTML/CSS API to keep cross-browser compatibility when it’s needed. I have experience working with plain CSS, with CSS Frameworks and using utility-first CSS frameworks.


I’m very confident with my JavaScript knowledge, I have worked with the DOM API and the core concepts behind JS and ES6, I have experience with the most popular Frameworks (React, Vue and Angular +). I also have experience working with modern toolings as such as Webpack, NPM/Yarn and Babel.


I’m very confident with my JavaScript knowledge, I have worked with the DOM API and the core concepts behind JS and ES6, I have experience with the most popular Frameworks (React, Vue and Angular +). I also have experience working with modern toolings as such as Webpack, NPM/Yarn and Babel.


I’m able to create a REST API using API Gateway and Lambda functions. I have experience creating CI/CD using Pipeline to automate the deployment of webapps. Full understanding of IAM to grant the necessary permission.


I’m very confident with my JavaScript knowledge, I have worked with the DOM API and the core concepts behind JS and ES6, I have experience with the most popular Frameworks (React, Vue and Angular +). I also have experience working with modern toolings as such as Webpack, NPM/Yarn and Babel.

Mobile Applications

Contact Me Contracting & Freelance Looking for a developer? I'd love to chat through your requirements & help you build something awesome. Please reach out to me via email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Anything Else If you want to get in touch to chat about programming, product or anything else, flick me an email or send me a DM on twitter. I'd love to hear from you!

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Bearing Void gathering light light his eavening unto dont afraid.